Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 Chapter 2 Assignment 2

Chapter 2 Assignment 2

Q Introduction to Soc: Ch2 Basics: You are going to read Ch2, watch my zoom video on it, and submit two paragraphs via here. Answer these two items: 1.Ch2Conleyquestion:Validity and reliability are important,yet distinct,ideas.Pickone.Identify what Conley says about it, and then use the idea in an example from either your life or the news. 2. Ch2Kawamoto/Raygoza question: Causality vs. Correlation. Kawamoto (and Marty) expresses frustration with the term Causation. Identify another example in the news where Correlation doesn't necessarily mean Causation.

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Reliability is something that can be taken for granted very easily. For example, when you go to a job interview and the boss asks you how reliable you would rate yourself and you give a 10 out of 10 for your reliability. Of course the boss is going to think that is amazing and that’s what they will expect from you if they were to hire you. But after hiring you it turns out that you actually only show up to work 3-4 times per week and call out almost every week then they can’t take you as being very reliable. This was the case with an employee that I hired at my previous job when I was a manager.